About Our Family Owned Company 

Hotel Sales and Surplus Motel Salvage LLC.



Early store pictures 

Early store pictures 

We have a long history starting with Holiday Inn's Innkeepers back in the early 1960's. Back then my father Travis Johnson ( pictured above) managed this division.

We have a long history starting with Holiday Inn's Innkeepers back in the early 1960's. Back then my father Travis Johnson ( pictured above) managed this division.

The Hotel Sales and Surplus and Motel Salvage Company story began in the early years of 1960.  The Motel Salvage Co. was created as a division of Holiday Inn’s Innskeepers Supply Co. Outlet Store to dispose of their obsolete inventories.  They later began liquidating used furnishings from the Holiday Inn as well as other hotel chains.  Motel Salvage Co. (MSC) was established to recover as much of Holiday Inn’s investments as possible by entering the retail arena and selling to the public.  Independent hotels and motels, as well as hotel and motel chains furnished their properties through our inventory.

            Travis Johnson was hired as the manager of the two retail outlets to accomplish the goals set forth.  Clyde Dixon was the president of the Innskeeper Supply Co. and brought in Mr. Johnson to implement their plan in 1967.

This plan was very successful and would continue to function as a part of the Holiday Inn for many years to come.  The Innskeeper Supply division was later changed to a products services division and MSC was given the additional duties of selling merchandise to the independent hotels in the remodeling of their inns. 

          The Motel Salvage Company name was then changed to Hotel Sales & Surplus Company to better relate to the independent hotels.  This transition was very successful and continued to be until Holiday Inn was sold to Bass Incorporated in 1990. 

           At this time my father was given the opportunity to buy HSS, which he did. In 1999, Travis Johnson was in the mind to retire. His sons, Greg Johnson, Kevin Johnson had been working for the company since a young age. It was a natural thing to give his sons the business to service the public and hospitality industry throughout the nation.